“Staying Safe” is a phrase that in these last few weeks has taken on a whole new significance. Allow me to extend my sincere wish that you and your family are safe and well. We are very grateful that the vast majority of the Zuni Pueblo members are staying healthy and doing their best to keep the pandemic out of our close-knit community. We also started a GoFundMe page to help offset the many costs involved in running our school.
Meanwhile, life must go on as they say. At St. Anthonys we continue to keep students supplied with materials for learning and as far as it is possible to help them progress in their education. I continue to be amazed at the enthusiasm and energy of our teachers. Clearly, it takes an enormous effort to prepare study packages geared to individual students as opposed to being present in the classroom and observing how well a lesson has been received. Yet our teachers are doing just that.
I am happy to report that our experiment in teleconferencing is proving to be a success despite its limitations. Each teach- er has devised their own method of using the available technology. Ms. Trudy and Sr. Raje (with smaller classes) are making individual telephone calls to their students and their parents. Other teachers employ several conference calls during the week, while junior high students have daily audio/visual conferences with Mr. Jon, Ms. Laura and Sr. Ansi…read more