Children Zuni School

September October 2024 Newsletter

Greetings once more from the High Desert, where chilly mornings give way to sweltering afternoons as the mother nature changes to her Autumn attire.
Looking back over the last few weeks I find the school, like Mother Nature, getting ready for the next phase of our annual routines. Really for staff and students these weeks have been a time of getting ready in almost every facet of school life.

But firstly let me share a particularly joyous report. The students completed a round of testing and exams and we found that the students performed exceptionally well. Of real note, were students who had difficulty in language arts, particularly reading. They have advanced in leaps and bounds. Congratulations to both students and faculty for their amazing efforts. It is a joy to behold.

cross country
cross country

As the academic life of the school continues successfully, so do the sports and the social dimensions of our community.  Always of interest are the cross country running efforts of the students. In our Zuni culture running has always been a big part of people’s life. I am sure there must be an anthropological/historical reason for this but I will leave that to others to study. I am content to see the smiles on young faces as they complete the often harrowing courses. At the end of the school day, the runners gather in front of the gym waiting to begin their round of training. As only kinds can do, they have turned those waiting moments into a source of laughter. When the school bus passes the budding athletes, spontaneously a great cheer goes up and hands wave goodbye to their fellow students heading home for the evening. The next hour or so finds light-footed students racing round the campus competing with each other and exchanging friendly banter as they go. It is an inconsequential moment that brings a smile to faculty as they see their students enjoying simply being alive. I do believe it reflects the happiness of our whole student body.

full student council
full student council

Another important event in school life has been the election of the students’ council. I dutifully listened as candidates made their speeches before the whole school prior to votes being cast. A few dubious election promises were made but essentially the speeches revealed students’ aspirations for the life within the school and promises to work towards those goals. One particular candidate made a deep impression on me. She has run for office last year, and during her speech then nervousness over took her and she could not finish her presentation. She ran for office again this year and made an inspiring and articulate presentation. It was a moment of great satisfaction to see a student mature as a person and a moment of credit to her teachers and parents.


We take the role of student council very seriously, never more so than that at their inauguration. This took place at the end of the “All School Mass”, in a simple but moving ceremony. Sr. Marsha, the school principal, calls each of the elected to come forward and asks in turn, “Will you serve diligently the student body of St. Anthony Indian School as … to the best of your ability, answering God’s call to service, love, honesty and integrity in the office of…” To which each replied simply “I will”. They each went before the new President who held the school prayer candle, lighting a candle from this and returning to their place they receive a promise of support from the whole faculty and together with lighted candles promised “We, the student council of St. Anthony Indian School, with guidance from God and the supervision and support of our school community, pledge to model and uphold the values of our faith and standards of our school We promise to lead the St Anthony Indian School Community with respect for each other, respect for our environment, and respect for ourselves. We dedicate ourselves to inspiring others through our example of leadership, cooperation, integrity, courtesy and service.”

council making promises
council making promises

In my pastoral role, I oversee this service and with a prayer in my heart. I see the new council consider, reflect and take ownership of their promises. It is yet another moment of hope for the future and pride in what the whole school seeks to accomplish in the lives of our students.

mean what they say
mean what they say

Our annual, Native American day, will be celebrated earlier than usual this year because of time constraints in the spring. Ever since I severed in Africa, my feet take a life of their own whenever I hear the beat of tribal drums. As I write, my feet will not stop moving as the sound of drums echo across the campus while the students rehearse their dances in the gym. From Kindergarten upwards every student exercise extreme concentration to perfect the dance steps with pride in their hearts.

costumes to be made
costumes to be made

This is a time of preparation, not just for students and faculty but for all the parents. Six schedule work-nights are set aside for parents and staff to gather of an evening in the cafeteria to prepare headdresses, traditional costumes and everything needed to facilitate their children’s delight in their cultural heritage. It’s also great fun! Pizzas appear miraculously as cries go up for pliers, wool, glue and a million other things. I noticed one parent measuring the head of student and marking both the leather and the head while muttering something about the head has grown since last year!

Yet another moment of pride for me, as I see the students enjoy the activity, take part and work with their parents to prepare an occasion that demonstrates the values both Zuni and Christian inspired by the school.

Children Zuni School
Children Zuni School

As I began, so I end. This is a time of preparation and transition both for nature and our students. It’s a time of growth, development and joy for all of us at St. Anthony’s.
Thank you for making it all so wonderfully possible.

Fr. Patrick McGuire

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