It’s all coming together!I truly hope that you had a wonderful Easter celebration filled with as much light and joy as was ours. I am in my 34th year of priesthood and have served on several continents, but I can’t […]
Lenten greetings from Zuni! I am really not a person who remembers dates very well, but March 15th 2020 is indelibly written in my “wee brain.” It was the day that we had to close St. Anthony School, saying goodbye […]
Greetings from the Zuni Pueblo! Although two thirds of our students are still learning at home, there is a gradual trickle of students back into classroom learning. This month an additional seven youngsters returned to “in person teaching.” It doesn’t […]
Welcome to St. Anthony’s 2021! I hope that you had a blessed Christmas season and an enjoyable welcoming of the New Year. It was certainly memorable for me if for no other reason than there were no weekend restrictions with […]
We thought we would share a little “Christmas Cheer” with some videos from our 2019 Christmas Program. We think every child from our school is a natural dancer and artist. Enjoy! 8th Grade Surprise Performance Pre K Christmas Performance 4th […]
Autumn greetings once again from the high desert, where as I write to you the blustery winds are bringing hope of much needed rain and even snow. I hope that this letter will reach you before Thanksgiving because I want […]
Autumn greetings from the high desert, where the first signs of fall are beginning show forth. After such a disappointing monsoon with almost no rain, we look forward to the local cottonwood and scrub oak dazzling us with their fall […]
“Joy to the world!” No, I’m not speaking of Christmas Joy (although we should have it all year round) but joy that the students are finally returning to St. Anthony’s! I can’t tell you how good it feels to share […]
I hope all is well with you and your family while we continue to live through these difficult times. As the weeks pass by, we in Zuni need constant reminders to be vigilant and not let down our guard against […]
Greetings from the very dry and hot high desert! Sadly, we have had almost no “monsoon season” this year. Sunday’s prayer for rain did bring the blessing of a 10 minute downpour…a good start, but much more is needed. Never […]
“Didn’t you know?” This phrase has been a recurring theme for me since I last wrote to you. It has been a stark reminder of how much I still have to learn, even after nearly six years at St. Anthony‘s! […]
“Staying Safe” is a phrase that in these last few weeks has taken on a whole new significance. Allow me to extend my sincere wish that you and your family are safe and well. We are very grateful that the […]