Zuni St Anthony Summer Art Camp 2022

July 2022 Newsletter

Greetings once more from the high desert and all at St. Anthony’s. I write ‘all’ but essentially I am the only resident on campus. The students are still on vacation, our two sisters from India are still enjoying their well-earned […]

2022 Zuni St Anthony Graduating Class

June 2022 Newsletter

Dear Friends I give thanks to the Lord and to you that we have concluded yet another successful year at St. Anthony’s School. I really need to share with you some of the “goings-on” of these few weeks. As I […]

Zuni St Anthony School Graduates 2022

May 2022 Newsletter

Greetings from Zuni bathed in May sunshine within and around us. On Sunday I noticed luxuriant grass growing at the roadside. Where the water was found to nourish it is a mystery since there is very little to be found […]

St Anthony School Zuni Activities- Young Dancers

March 2022 Newsletter

Greetings once more from the high desert. I apologize for once again being late in sending out our newsletter. We have been snowed under in many senses of that expression, from storms to machines breaking down just when you need […]

Zuni School Math & Crafts

July 2021 Newsletter

Greetings from a wonderfully wet Zuni! Yes, we’ve had several days of good rain and pray that it continues. Our local Rain Dances must have encouraged the reluctant clouds. Many parts of New Mexico and neighboring states are still dangerously […]

May Crowning Zuni Mission

May 2021 Newsletter

Greetings from a sunny, warm and cheerful Zuni!If you have ever been preparing for a journey and packing a small handy suitcase at the very last moment only to find that you can’t squeeze much more into it, then you […]