Advent Week 2 - St. Anthony - Zuni

Advent Week 2

The first week of Advent focuses on the Lord’s second coming at the end of time. The second and third weeks of Advent focus on the appearance of John the Baptist proclaiming the first coming of Jesus. Let us look […]

St Anthony Zuni Clean Up Almost There

July Newsletter 2020

Greetings from the very dry and hot high desert! Sadly, we have had almost no “monsoon season” this year. Sunday’s prayer for rain did bring the blessing of a 10 minute downpour…a good start, but much more is needed. Never […]

St Anthony School Zuni

May Newsletter 2020

“Staying Safe” is a phrase that in these last few weeks has taken on a whole new significance. Allow me to extend my sincere wish that you and your family are safe and well. We are very grateful that the […]